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发表日期:2022/8/23 11:10:32 兰格钢铁


The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) said Monday the country’s critical minerals will drive the US’ EV battery programme while helping the Aussie manufacturing agenda.


The US’ newly passed Inflation Reduction Act legislation stipulates that to be eligible for the EV tax credits and incentives, some sourcing requirements are to be met in relation to critical materials for batteries and its components. Battery materials are to be extracted or processed in the US, or recycled in North America. EVs can qualify if critical materials for their batteries and components meet some percentage criteria.


For that, 40% of the value of the critical materials in the battery must be sourced from Australia (or any other country with a free trade agreement) from January 2024. This will increase to 80% by 2027. For components, the content rules start at 50% in January 2024 and hits 100% in 2029.

MCA首席执行官Tania Constable说,美国的立法是“澳大利亚政府推动制造业议程的重要一步,将有助于支持对高质量澳大利亚电池材料的需求。”她补充说,推动对本地加工和制造的投资也将确保对澳大利亚开采的矿物,包括锂、钴、镍和铜的需求。

MCA’s ceo Tania Constable says the US legislation is a “major step forward for the Australian government’s manufacturing agenda and will help underpin the demand for high quality Australian battery materials.” Driving investment in local processing and manufacturing will also ensure demand for Australian mined minerals including lithium, cobalt, nickel and copper, she adds.


The trade body, however, emphasises that to sustain current production, Australian mining needs around AUD 20 billion ($13.8 billion) per year of investment.


“If we are going to increase the capacity of existing mines, or open new mines – including in the commodities needed for our global transition to net-zero emissions – capital investment will need to be increased by an order of magnitude,” it says.


According to government-led agency Australia Minerals, Australia currently has the world’s second-largest resources of cobalt, copper, lithium and nickel. The tricky part is to develop processing capacity for these minerals in Australia, as opposed to shipping it to China – where global processing capacity is concentrated.

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